I'm making no apologies for this dish. It comes from a box.
Cooking time approximately 20 minutes.
Active cooking time approximately 60 seconds!

Take raw peeled deveined shrimp from the freezer and run under cold water.
Active time 15 seconds.

Meanwhile add the contents of a box of shiitake mushroom risotto to a pot along with water and cook according to package directions (I substituted one cup of beef broth for a portion of the water), a generous tablespoon of butter, and a splash of tamari.
The beef broth and the tamari enhance the umami flavors.
Active time 30 seconds.
The beef broth and the tamari enhance the umami flavors.
Active time 30 seconds.
Stir occasionally, 10 seconds (5 seconds X 2).

Add shrimp to the pot about 5 minutes before the risotto is done.
Active time 5 seconds.
Active time 5 seconds.
Gourmet, no.
Tasty, yes.

If I had some snipped chives, I might have added those...hmmm, and maybe a drizzle of truffle oil, 10 more seconds :)

This is Safeway brand risotto. Flavored with onion, garlic, herbs, and spices.
From the box side panel, "With Safeway Select you'll feel like a culinary genius."
Your Culinary Genius, signing off...