Mexican Lime Tart
One Local Ingredient: Lime

Citrus aurantifolia Swingle
English - Mexican lime, key lime, West Indian lime
Spanish - lima ácida, lima chica, limón chiquito
French - limette, limettier acide
German - limett
Italian - limetta
Dutch - lemmetje, limmetje
East Africa - ndimu
Philippines - dalayap, dayap
Malaya - limau asam
India - nimbu, limbu, nebu, lebu or limun
Brazil - limao galego, lintao miudo
Egypt and the Sudan - limûn baladi
Morocco - doc
Do you know another?
Filling - Mexican lime juice and zest, sweetened condensed milk, eggs
Garnish - powdered sugar, Mexican limes and leaves, whipped cream

The blossoms are very fragrant and the leaves make a pretty garnish. The fruit is mature when it turns yellow or at least greenish-yellow. The green skinned fruit is immature, be patient as the ripening process does not continue once the fruit is picked from the tree. The time from bloom to edible fruit is about 3 months.
The Mexican Lime Tree
So here is the little guy today, planted in October 2008. I've had an endless supply of limes from the beginning. One thing I'm not happy about: this tree has very sharp thorns. Picking the fruit can be dangerous. I found out in my research that there is a thornless variety. Too. Late.

It is an ever bearing tree in this climate which makes my brother, Bill, happy. When he stops by there is always an organic lime on hand for his Corona. And plenty of limes with which to make Margaritas and Pisco Sours! If you are inspired to make a similar tart or pie, the Internet is awash in key lime pie recipes using the simple ingredients listed above.
My longtime blogger friend Simona of Briciole blog is hosting Fresh Produce of the Month and February's produce was citrus. I am speeding this tart over to her in hopes she can include it in the round-up. Simona, this limes for you!