The Spicy and Pungent Pasta of the Ladies of the Night

Cook garlic, red pepper flakes and anchovies in olive oil for a few minutes until the anchovies dissolve. Add diced canned tomatoes, dried basil, chopped kalamata olives and capers. Simmer, then adjust seasoning. Top whole grain pasta (3X the fiber of regular pasta) with the sauce then a little scoop of ricotta. Everyone loves Parmigiano-Reggiano or Pecorino with pasta, but sometimes it's nice to have a change and fresh creamy ricotta (here too) fits the bill.
Thank you to my blogger friend Stacey of Stacey Snacks Blog for the idea to make Pasta alla Puttanesca. As she says, "you have this stuff in the house," which I did. So for all those in colder climes who are not in the mood to brave the weather and go shopping, this intensely flavorful dish might just be an option for tonight's dinner!
Chez Lori Lynn

My cookbooks have long outgrown their original home on the bookshelves. Cookbook Sprawl has now reached my office, the coffee table in the den, and the sideboard in the dining room. But I'm not complaining. They are all precious to me. For the holidays I received the magnificent Alinea cookbook and a personalized Home Cooking with Charlie Trotter! Thanks D & K!
Do you have any kind of collection that has taken over your home?